CCNP ONT Official Exam Certification Guide is an excellent self-study resource for the 642-845 ONT exam. Passing the exam certifies that the successful candidate has important knowledge and skills in optimizing and providing effective QoS techniques for converged networks. Passing the exam is one of the requirements for the Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) certification.
Gaining certification in Cisco technology is key to the continuing educational development of today’s networking professional. Through certification programs, Cisco validates the skills and expertise required to effectively manage the modern enterprise network.
Cisco Press exam certification guides and preparation materials offer exceptional—and flexible—access to the knowledge and information required to stay current in your field of expertise, or to gain new skills. Whether used as a supplement to more traditional training or as a primary source of learning, these materials offer users the information and knowledge validation required to gain new understanding and proficiencies.
Developed in conjunction with the Cisco certifications and training team, Cisco Press books are the only self-study books authorized by Cisco and offer students a series of exam practice tools and resource materials to help ensure that learners fully grasp the concepts and information
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