Video - PHP & MySQL Video Tutorials

Looking for the best PHP & MYSQL Training Course? Look no more!

Forget the textbooks as TMS brings you the best training course jammed pack with all the materials you'll ever need.

If you really want to get to grips with this language then you might like to take a look at this comprehensive training video CD. Full instructor led courses takes you from the basic to advanced aspects as well as describing the new features in an easy to follow manner.

This Training pack is perfect if you want to improve your knowledge of the PHP & MYSQL Architecture and toolset.

Simply, intuitive and with full CBT Video Training, learning is easy and fun at the same time. The contents are taught in such a way that it is suitable for both beginners and career professionals alike.

The contents covers the full complete range and it gives you a complete solid understanding of the chapters outlined below.

This is an outline of the video topics that is covered in our course:

1. Course 01 - Installing Apache
2. Course 02 - Installing PHP4
3. Course 03 - Configuring for PHP
4. Course 04 - Adding PHP to HTML
5. Course 05 - Intro to Variables
6. Course 06 - Installing MySQL
7. Course 07 - Intro to DATABASES
8. Course 08 - Intro to TABLES
9. Course 09 - Working with DATA
10. Course 10 - Introduction
11. Course 11 - User Account
12. Course 12 - Integrating PHP & MySQL
13. Course 13 - Writing a Counter Script
14. Course 14 - For Loops and Array
15. Course 15 - IF Statements
16. Course 16 - POST - GET - FORMS
17. Course 17 - Writing a Guest Book
18. Course 18 - Writing a Stat Tracker
19. Course 19 - PhpMyAdmin


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